Scroll Down To Learn More About All of Our Linking Packages
What Clint Butler Has To Say About SEONitro
Get the Most Powerful Links for a Fraction of What Others Charge.
And… Our “Patented” Software System Allows You To:
Control Your Entire Backlink Profile At ALL TIMES
Add, Remove or Change Links In Minutes.
Change Anchor Text & URLs Any Time.
Make Backlinks Dofollow Or Nofollow At Will.
This Patented Backlinking System is the Only System That Can Protect Your Sites From Google’s Wrath.
Giving You One, or… Hundreds of Links Instantly or on Drip-Feed.
All From An
Easy-To-Use Dashboard.

We revolutionized Satellite Site links AND how to manage them. If you’re looking for the ultimate and most powerful SEO weapon in existence, you’ve found it.
Even Better...
All Of Our Sites Have Been Tested & Verified To Rank Your Sites – By The
SEO Intelligence Agency!

Dear SEO Professional,
We all know without a shadow of a doubt that LINKS still work and they work REALLY, REALLY well, (and if you believe that, don’t just take my word for it… Read what some of the other SEO Professionals have to say about them.)
But there is still the problem of getting links from them.
After all, it’s hard to build a good Satellite Site; let alone thousands of them. There is, of course, the expense of buying the domains with high-value metrics, creating all the content, finding hosts on different IPs, then managing them all to make sure they stay live, and that Google continues to crawl them.
It’s especially hard to buy links these days.
I mean.. what do you do when…
- Link sellers advertise their great sites to get guest posting on, but your post ends up on an orphan page where the UR/DR isn’t even close to what they advertised!
- Link sellers say that Google loves their links, but you can’t be sure (we all know that Google hates “rank modifiers”) so…
- You are scared to buy, ask, trade, or even consider this. And when you do..
- The amount of links you need is just too expensive.
- But you spend the money anyway and get links you need, but then they are all LOCKED IN and you can’t EVER change them without begging and pleading with the link vendor or webmaster. (And I think we all know how that goes!)
And THAT Becomes Your Biggest Nightmare: Changing your links to match what Google currently wants is a painful, long process where you have the struggle of pleading with webmasters to remove links… or work on getting tons of new links and anchor text to adjust your link profile.
When I Pay Money For Links I Want To Be Able Change My Links ANYTIME I Want!
Don’t You?
But unfortunately, that isn’t how it works. You pay your money, give the link vendor your keyword and URL and once the link goes up, it’s LOCKED. Forever.
And if that wasn’t enough… there is also the challenge of staying out of Google’s cross-hairs and making sure YOUR MONEY SITE is SAFE.
Those of us who have been around a long time know the pain of what Google can do at a moment’s notice. We’ve all become more concerned of the health (i.e. quality) of the sites linking to our “money sites” and the anchor text we use… so we don’t over-optimize our money sites… and get penalized.
So how do you get high quality affordable links that you can change whenever you want to protect yourself?
Instead of going out and buying links randomly and worse yet, guessing at the anchor text you need, which is just like throwing money at a wall to see if it sticks. Listen up because I have a solution for you.
Introducing… the 3rd generation of…

The Only Satellite Site System With Link Management Software That Puts You In Control Of Your Backlinks At All Times. Thus, Protecting You Against Google’s Latest Algorithm Changes & Updates
Watch the above 5 minute video to see the power you’ll get with SEONitro. I made this video when I created the first version of the software. It’s a little old, but you’ll get the idea of how the software works and how it changes your links and even entire link profiles.
- 0:04 This is going to Change SEO Forever.
- 0:15 Why old style linking doesn’t work anymore.
- 0:54 Link Penalties are killing us!
- 1:20 How to Avoid Penalties With a NEW way of Linking!
- 2:12 Introducing Dynamically Controlled Link Profiling.
- 2:21 The ability to change your links any time you want from one location.
- 2:28 Examples.
- 2:40 Demo of Dynamic Linking.
- 3:22 Demo of Entire Link Profile Dynamic Linking.
- 4:09 You now have total control over your links.
- 4:30 You can only get it here, it is Patented!
Ranking Your Sites
While Keeping Them Safe
Allowing You To Pull In The Truckloads Of Cash You Know You Can Pull In If You Were In The Top Three On Google.
I have to admit it’s been a minute since I’ve talked publicly about SEONitro. For those of you who were around a decade ago and had the fortune to use it, you’ll remember how notoriously fa-nominal it was at ranking websites… and THAT was BEFORE we had the patented management software!
But when Google started the link crackdown, I took my notes about what would make us “Google Proof” and took SEONitro and my development underground.
It currently lives in the backside of the SEO Intelligence Agency (S.I.A.) member’s area. It’s being used by myself, our testers, and our members. And, I thought it would stay that way…
This above is a 21 minute video that demonstrates, in more detail, how to use Satellite Sites the correct way to link from them and then how to use the dashboard.
And I thought I was going to keep SEONito tucked away for the rest of time. After all, I’d been extremely busy testing and running the SEO Intelligence Agency.
But… when I was scoping out some outside links for a test we were doing, I saw HOW INCREDIBLY EXPENSIVE backlinks have become! Like WOW! And then…
I Thought, There’s NO REASON For Backlinks To Be That Expensive!
The lowest price I saw for a Satellite Site link was $8. And that was if you purchased a group of 10 of them.
And then I saw how much Guest Post links are. =:0
I about fell off my chair. The most astonishing thing about THOSE (besides the prices) was the metrics they were showing to try and get me to buy. Incredibly deceptive.
I mean, I want a PAGE with good metrics, but that isn’t what I saw being advertised. I saw “domain metrics” and domain metrics don’t mean a thing. Let me say that again…
Domain Metrics Don’t Mean A Thing
Oh… I can hear you now saying, “Wait a minute, Dori. How can you say THAT when the ENTIRE industry bases its link inventory and sales on domain metrics?”
Well.. let me explain.
To start with, in tests #109 & #282, (in the SEO Intelligence Agency) we drilled down into what domain authority actually meant. We found out that there’s no such thing as domain authority.
Under the concept of Domain Authority, if an established, large, well linked site creates a new page, that page will automatically rank higher than an identical page built at the same time on a newer, smaller, less linked site. But it just doesn’t rank higher without a great inner linking game. (Click Here To See A Post On It)
“WHOA, Dori! Come on now. That’s enough. I’m out of here!” I hear you say as I chuckle a bit at the deception that has been used by the BIG companies to make money. And, I can only think it is deception because I have to think that these guys just have to be smarter than me?
But after 21 years of doing SEO and almost 700 tests later… I’ve learned that most of the BIG GUYS are just shooting sh*t out their a** for us to eat up like gummy bears and call it a day.
“WOW, Dori, that was a mouthful. You sure you want to stick your neck out like that?” Yes, I do.
And here’s why.
There’s a lot of unsuspecting people out their just starting in SEO. (Especially now!) To no fault of their own, they find what they think is a good website to learn from, (one in-particular that rhymes with OZ). Then, in good faith, they believe what they read. They end up spending a lot of time and money to go nowhere.
I mean, it’s an “Authority Website” after-all. :-/ Why shouldn’t you believe THEM?
I had someone say to me “just” last week..
“We had gone through 100 clients doing everything one website told us to do. After NOT RANKING them, we lost 75 of them before we figured out NOT to listen to that one website.”
A 12 year SEO Professonal
So, yeah. It’s painful to see the nonsense that is put out by some of these big companies. What’s worse is it gets repeated over and over again and THEN gets defended like it is true by the rank and file SEO.
The only people that know what is TRUE is Google. And at times, I am not even sure there is a single person on the search team that knows EVERYTHING. So how could people at other companies know it all?
They don’t! It’s just marketing.
Oh, and by the way, don’t ever believe what a publicly-traded company tells you. EVER.
I’m here to tell y’all that there is no such thing as “domain” metrics. ONLY PAGE METRICS.
Why believe me? I’ve just shown you a powerful test. And even if you don’t buy links from me, I am here to warn you (like I have warned the members in the S.I.A.). I don’t want you to get ripped-off when it comes to buying links.
Here’s the deal.
As I explain in the video that is coming up on the page. Link vendors will post the astronomical metrics for the sites they are putting your links on, but in most cases, if not all, that isn’t what you are getting unless they put your link or post on the homepage, and that’s most likely not going to happen unless it is a blog.
So beware of those high “domain” metrics you see advertised!
That is NOT what you’re going to see from me.
What you’ll see is the URL/page metrics of the homepage. This means your posts WILL go on the HOMEPAGE for a period of time until it rolls off.
You’ll Get Home Page Links With SEONitro!
Not Some Bull Crap Orphaned Page With No Power Like Almost Everybody Else Sells.
A homepage link is hands down better than any Guest Post you get on an orphan page on a BIG SITE. I don’t care how high the metrics are for the domain/website, that means DR or DA. Just forget about those.
Here’s why.
With most sites, the home page is the page that gets the most incoming links. Therefore, it has the most link juice to throw-out. And even though I’m generalizing because there are always sites that have strong inner pages, it is “generally” the home page that has the most power.
And even though that is widely known, what isn’t widely known is that there is this little thing called “Link Echo.”
This means you continue to get credit for your link that is on the homepage even after your article containing the link rolls off. Pretty cool, right?
What is even cooler is that we have tested that and the time period of the link echo is about six months. So that means…
Link Echo Means You Get Six Months Of Link Credit After Your Article Rolls Off The Home Page!
This is why blog networks work so well. You’ll see in the video below why SEONitro’s “Set It And Forget It” feature does it even better.
And then… if that wasn’t enough…
There Is This Thing Called “Link Spinning.”
This is a spin (no pun intended. lol) on link echo. You see, if you get credit for your link AFTER your link has disappeared, then while your article with your link is still on the homepage, you can change that link over and over again. Google counts the deleted links while counting your new ones at the SAME TIME.
If you got that, you can pick your mouth up off the table now. 😉
This is a very little known linking technique that only really advanced SEO’s know about and use. But SEONitro has it baked into its software. This means you set it up and let ‘r rip on automation.
Link Spinning

So that is how you get even more links out of your link packages. 😉 But barely anyone does this so it is to your advantage.
Now about our Sites. You know I am not going to bait and switch you because you ARE GETTING HOMEPAGE LINKS while on the homepage, so the metrics I talk about will be those metrics.
And once your page scrolls off the homepage, it’s set up on our internal sitemap so it is never an orphan.
Just Imagine What Access To Thousands of Sites On Different C-Block Ips Can Do For Your Business.
Most of your pages will probably only need a couple of links to rank. But if you’re in those really tough niches, a link from each of those sites will absolutely put you in the running with the competition.
It’s Like Shooting Fish In A Barrel. Aim, Shoot, Rank.
You may not even need to do all the advanced stuff we’ve incorporated into our system. But I would highly advise you to link to every page of your site and then inner link your pages into silos for maximum ranking power. Which, we can show you how to do.
So what would it look like if you were ranking in the top 3 for all your keywords? Pretty great, I think. Probably a game-changer for you. I know it will be for me. We just put most of these sites up so I am also looking forward to using them on my affiliate sites.
Our Satellite Sites System will be a game changer for you and your clients. And even though sending links to your pages can take up to two months to see the full impact, it’ll be only a week or two for long-tail keywords.
And remember, you can always delete your links, change the URLs or the anchor text. You are in total control of them. Even if you quit, your links will *always be on our sites and you will always have access to the software, so you are ALWAYS SAFE.
Being Able To Control Your Backlinks Is An SEO’s Dream Come True.
This has been the one missing piece in link building… and is now totally solved for you. There has NEVER been a SEO dashboard that enables you to change links and/or entire link profiles to match the current search engine climate.
And, you can ONLY get it here!
No Other Software On The Planet Exists That Can Do This.
It’s Patented. Seriously.

I’ve just taken MOST of the risk out of buying links. I mean, you can still over-optimize yourself, or get in trouble buying SAPE links or something somewhere else. I can’t stop that. But I have created a system that lets you NOT have to go hunting down link vendors to remove your links if you get in trouble.
So who am I anyway?
My name is Dori Friend. I am the founder of SEONitro, the SEO Intelligence Agency, (with Kyle Roof and now with Clint Butler) SEORockstars and PageOneEngine among other things. (See more at the bottom of this page.)
I have been in SEO since 2001. I’ve been building link networks since 2003. I started to talk about Satellite Sites (although they weren’t called that then) and controlling your links way back in 2007.
Click Here To See More Testimonials
I’ve been teaching other SEO’ers how to build Satellite Sites ever since so I guess you can say this IS my area of expertise. I have spoken at all different kinds of conferences and have my own yearly conference. My conference is in its 13th year!
Here is a screen shot of me on stage.

And then a screen shot of a couple of my slides from that presentation in 2007 about controlling your links.

And the concept I talked about in 2007 rings more true today than ever before. Not only do I use the power from a traditional blog (link) network, I also protect my money sites as well. So the solution is the same now as it was then. But now…
I Have The Software To Do All The Backlinking Grunt Work For You.
Bottom line, networks are valuable because it is LINKS that make your sites move up the search engines… plain and simple. And yes, you have to have good On-Page optimization most of the time, but it is still about links.
So let’s get into the nitty-gritty of what you are going to get. Or maybe I should say what you won’t get with it.
Since I’ve been building blog networks since 2003, you get the results of all the years of my trial and errors.
I Learned The Hard Way, So You Don’t Have To!!
- These sites are NOT hosted in one data center like MOST SEO hosting. This leaves a HUGE footprint. In fact, most SEO hosting, in general, is a no no just for the sheer fact that Google now knows these hosts, their IPs, and has them in their cross-hairs.
- These sites are NOT hosted on the same IP. The same IP tells Google they are owned by the same person. Thus, rendering them not as powerful in theory. I haven’t tested this, but it has always been considered best practice of Satellite Site building. In any case, if one site comes into question, it is really easy to find the other sites on the same IP.
- These site do NOT use the same registration information, nor are they all on private registration which is also a give away that something is up.
- These sites do NOT link to each other and we make every attempt to not let them cross over in excess with the sites we link to.
- These sites do NOT use the same theme on all of the sites, nor does it use terms of service pages that can be traced in an instant.
Here Is What Is Going To Rocket Your Rankings
Of course… you get all access and use of the patented link management system…

This Revolutionary
Back Linking Software
Allows You To
- add,
- remove, or
- change links at will and within minutes…
- As well as change your ENTIRE linking profile!
- All of which keeps you ahead of competitors by aligning your site with every new change Google makes to its algorithm.
- It is equipped with a calendar to keep track of your campaigns and posting.
- Complete with link reports so you can link to them. (Just no spammy links to them please!)
- Link Spinning automation to make every single link more powerful than ever before.
- “Set It And Forget It” automation so you only have to set it up once and let it roll. This is very powerful in a blog network setting as it is forever giving you homepage links.
- Laser Targeted Themed Back Linking from our Manual Posting Network, which makes it like Shooting Fish in a Barrel.
- And then there are our tools you get to use.

And That Is On Top Of The Thousands of Sites We Have Available For You To Do This From.
Our incredibly stellar sites are expired domains that were purchased for TrustFlow and age. My team has spent MONTHS getting them ready for you!
- They have all been purchased with a TrustFlow of 20 or higher.
- They are all hosted on different C-block IPs.
- They are hosted in different data centers.
- They all have different registration info and emails.
- They all have been built with beautiful themes, take a look at some of our examples.
- Exception is that we have some ugly HTML sites that have been built from the Wayback Machine that we will be doing Niche Edits with. (I love me an ugly HTML site for link building!)

And Yes.. You Can Use Your Own Linking Sites With This!
Just upload them into the dashboard, it’s THAT easy!
And perhaps the MOST important feature of our sites is that they have ALL been tested and verified by the SEO Intelligence Agency.
All Sites Have Been Tested
To Make Sure They Pass Link Juice To Rank Your Pages!
Yep, that means they ALL have ranked pages prior to being put into our packages. The ones that didn’t pass are being put into another network called “Toxic Links” for people doing reputation management (to push certain sites down). But that isn’t what I’m selling today. lol.
And We Have Different Types Of Posting Available For You In SEONitro 3.0
- Manual Posting: sites are available for manual posting for those of you who want niche links or really only need a link or two to a page.
- Automated Posting: sites are available for automated linking that is good for a continuous flow of incoming links. You can post to these site in a couple different ways as well.
- post 1-20 sites at a time or
- set it and forget it and have it post continuously
- all on instant or dripping to your schedule.
- Blogroll Posting for site-wide links either on the sidebar or footer.
- Featured Posts that stays on the homepage for a guarantee of one month (most times we forget to even take it down so “our bad” is your good fortune 😉
- Then we have a set of sites that we will do “Niche Edits” for you – (limited to first comers).
- We will build a site on your domain every month and put in it into the account for you and only you to use. These are called “MySites”.
Your Links Stay On The Sites As Long As The Sites Are Live!
And, of course, we have some rules that you must strictly adhere to.
- For ONE: we don’t accept the following content on these sites. We have set up a different network for you called “Naughty Links” for the content that is adult, gambling, pharma, vaping, bitcoin, etc.
- TWO: we don’t allow you to spam the network. So even though you have “unlimited access” to the manual sites, you can’t have a VA posting to them constantly.
- THREE: you cannot have previously linked to your sites with spammy links. This is why we have an application to all newcomers. You will need to qualify to join.
- FOUR: you cannot have previously ever used the “Disavow Tool” on your sites. And you agree to NEVER use it on us. We will gladly take your links down if you don’t want them any longer.
- FIVE: you currently don’t work for Google’s Spam or Search Teams, or any other company that has anything to do with creating linking software.
- SIX: you cannot link to our sites with spammy links.
And You Must Qualify.
You see, we can’t let just every Tom, Dick and Sally into the system because then it would weaken the integrity of the sites that we all use (including myself). That wouldn’t be any good for anybody.
We Have a
Strict Limit on Capacity
Only 35 New Spots Available.
And even though we aren’t picky about what your politics are, we are picky about how you do SEO.
Who this is for:
- SEO Professionals that know they need links to get where they want to go.
- SEO Professionals that do NOT use the Disavow Tool as they know that is a LAST RESORT type of thing to do.
- SEO Professionals that do NOT send SAPE links to their sites or would send them to our sites.
- SEO Professionals that love Satellite Sites but don’t have time to build them themselves.
Who this is not for:
- Newbies that don’t understand the power of backlinking and the use of Satellite Sites.
- Anyone that thinks this is a get rich scheme (it is NOT).
- SEOs that use the disavow tool. Complete no no.
- SEOs that think backlinking is cheating.
- SEOs that want to argue instead of working together to find the right solutions.
- Anyone that works at Google.
SEONitro Creates New Links for You
On Demand… Raising Your Organic Traffic And Revenues Month after Month!
So if you think this is for you, then we are excited to have you! Here are the details of each package we are offering.
We are able to offer the below packages at incredibly low pricing when we package them together. It is ALWAYS cheaper to buy in bulk and that is what you are doing here.
No longer will you have the pain of paying those high prices for individual links that are from sketchy vendors who don’t even attach their real names to their products.
And yes Dori “Friend” is my real name. lol.

Package 1: VIP
- Automated Linking:
- 100 posts into the package of sites that we have 1506 sites (soon to bee 2000+ sites). Each post is allowed to have 3 links it in. That equals 300 outbound links from 50 sites.
- Each post is valued at $32 each if purchased separately.
- Total Value equals $3,200 per month.
- Manual Linking:
- Unlimited posting (within reason) into the 281 sites in this package. Each of these posts is allowed to have 2 links in it. If you linked out from all 281 sites every month that would equal 562 links per month.
- Each post is valued at $48 each if purchased separately.
- Total Value equals $4,496 per month.
- Site-Wide Links:
- You receive 10 credits to create either blogroll or footer links that will be placed into sites that are in the automation package. This equals 10 links per month.
- Each link is valued at $124 each if purchased separately.
- Total Value equals $1,240 per month.
- Featured Article Links:
- You receive 5 credits each month for featured articles that stay on that homepage for at least one month. Each article may have 3 links it in. These articles are perfect for using our “Link Spinning” function.
- Each post is valued at $160 each if purchased separately.
- Total Value equals $800 per month.
- Niche Edit Links:
- You will receive 2 credits each month for Niche Edit Links into our HTML sites that take NO automation and that are NOT in our blog networks.
- Each link is valued at $160 if purchased separately.
- Total Value equals $320 per month.
- My Site Built:
- You will receive 1 credit each month for us to build on your domain that you can use with our tools.
- Unlimited Linking
- Valued at $250 per month
- BONUS 1:
- The use of LinkRatio software that pulls in Majestic Data for you to gather competitive data on. Being Re-Programmed, Date Released TBA.
- Valued at $47 per month.
- BONUS 2:
- Add as many of your own Satellite Sites or PBNs to our back linking management system to manage posting to your own blogs as well as ours.
- Value if purchased separately $197 per month.
- And because it is important to me that you WIN BIG when using my systems and link networks, I want you to have as much training and information as I can give you. So your on-page is spot-on and your backlinking strategies are winning strategies, I am buying you access to the SEO Intelligence Agency and paying your monthly fee. The S.I.A. is the first and premier testing organization. And even though I am a partner in the organization, I am not the only one, so I really will be contributing your monthly to it.
- Valued at $497 entry fee and $99 a month.
Total Fair Value For This Option Is: $9,469 per month.
per month

3 Times More Links Than The VIP Package
- Automated Linking:
- 300 posts into the automation package of sites that we have 1506 sites in (soon to be 2000+ sites). Each post is allowed to have 3 links it in. That equals 900 outbound links from 300 sites per month.
- Each Post (with 3 links) is valued at $32 each if purchased separately.
- Total Value equals $9,600 per month.
- Manual Linking:
- Unlimited posting (within reason) into the 281 sites (soon to be 300+) in this package. Each of these posts is allowed to have 2 links in it. If you linked out from all 281 sites just ONCE a month that would equal 562 links per month.
- Each post is valued at $48 each if purchased separately.
- Total Value equals $4,496 per month.
- Site-Wide Links:
- You receive 30 credits to create either blogroll or footer links. These will be placed into sites that are in the automation package of sites. This equals 15 site-wide links per month.
- Each site-wide link is valued at $124 per link.
- Total Value equals $3,720 per month.
- Featured Article Links:
- You receive 30 credits each month for featured articles that stay on that homepage for at least one month (most times way longer.) Each article may have 3 links it in. These articles are perfect for using our “Link Spinning” function. This equals 30 links.
- Each post is valued at $160 each if purchased separately.
- Valued at $4800 per month.
- Niche Edit Links:
- You will receive 5 credits each month for Niche Edit Links into our HTML sites that take NO automation and that are NOT in our blog networks. This equals 5 links per month.
- Each link is valued at $160 each if purchased separately.
- Total Value equals $640 per month.
- My Site Build:
- You will receive 3 credits each month for us to build 3 sites on your domains that you can use with our tools.
- Unlimited linking.
- Each site build is valued at $250 if purchased separately.
- Total Value equals $750 per month.
- BONUS 1:
- The use of LinkRatio software that pulls in Majestic Data for you to gather competitive data on. Being Re-Programmed, Date Released TBA.
- Valued at $47 per month.
- BONUS 2:
- Add as many of your own Satellite Sites or PBNs to our back linking management system to manage posting to your own blogs as well as ours.
- Value if purchased separately $197 per month.
- And because it is important to me that you WIN BIG when using my systems and links, I want you to have as much training and information as I can give you so your on-page is spot-on and your backlinking strategies are winning strategies. I am buying you access to the SEO Intelligence Agency and paying your monthly fee. The S.I.A. is the first and premier testing organization. And even though I am a partner in the organization, I am not the only one, so I really will be contributing your monthly to it.
- Valued at $497 entry fee and $99 a month.
Total Fair Value For This Option Is: $19,989 per month.
per month

We take the Super VIP option (and a little more 😉) and DO IT FOR YOU. You have to do your on-page SEO, but we take care of your link building. All you have to do is give us your website & keywords and we will take care of the rest.
- Limited to a single website.
- Unlimited keywords and URLs that you give us.
- We will run Cora reports for your on-page and may suggest things for you to do, but YOU have to do them.
- We take care of all your content for linking.
- We maximize all back linking systems to the fullest extent to get you ranked in the top three for your keywords. (but let’s be fair, and reasonable. This is SEO, and your site needs to be capable to reach your objectives.)
- We would recommend starting with you low hanging long-tails to get you results fast and then go from there.
- You have the use of all our tools.
- You also have access to the account to do linking to wherever you want.
- BONUS 1:
- The use of LinkRatio software that pulls in Majestic Data for you to gather competitive data on.
- Valued at $47 per month.
- BONUS 2:
- Add as many of your own Satellite Sites or PBNs to our backlinking management system to manage posting to your own blogs as well as ours.
- Value if purchased separately $197 per month.
- And because it is important to me that you WIN BIG when using my systems and link networks, I want you to have as much training and information as I can give you. So your on-page is spot-on and your backlinking strategies are winning strategies. I am buying you access to the SEO Intelligence Agency the first and premier testing organization. And even though I am a partner in the organization, I am not the only one, so I really will be contributing your monthly to it.
- Valued at $497 entry fee and $99 a month.
Total Value.. Priceless & Extremely Limited!
per month
All Options Have
The Following Guarantees:
- No contracts that bind you in for a certain amount of time.
- You can quit at any time and your links will remain live for as long as the sites are live (we regularly replace under-performing sites, if you are an active member we put your links on the new stronger site).
- We have purchased sites with at least a TrustFlow of 20. Sites do lose links but as long as our tests for that site remains positive (#1 ranking on our test sites), we leave them in the network.
- We will be adding NEW sites monthly.
- If you are accepted, you can come in and take a look around but once your links start hitting our sites, there are no refunds. I do this so we don’t accidentally let someone in who thinks they can get a lot of links for free by staying in a couple of months and then refunding. That is not fair to us or the other users. But if you are generally not happy, I am of course going to give you your money back, but at that point, we will delete your links. Hope you understand.
- And lastly, as an SEO professional, you know there are no guarantees in SEO. We can just guarantee we will do the best job we can with keeping sites up and monitored.

Frequently Asked Questions
If I am not accepted, do I get my money back?
Yes, absolutely. You will be refunded immediately.
Will these sites always have a TrustFlow of 20+?
No, even though we buy them at a TrustFlow of 20+, some of them along the way will lose links. This is natural. It is also natural for its TrustFlow to fluctuate. You also need lower TF links as we have determined that sites get almost of 50/50% of TrustFlow 0 as to TrustFlow 5 and higher.
How many sites are in this and how many outbound links will each site have?
We have hundreds of sites and are always adding more. Each homepage is limited to 10 posts or less, so the outbound links will not exceed approximately 30. This is a better then average ratio for normal blogs.
How many outbound links can I have per article?
In most cases we allow 2 outbound links, but some features will allow 3 outbound links per article. We also put un-linked authority URLs in your article. We have tested this and authority citations do NOT need to be “linked” to give your article a boosted benefit.
How can you guarantee that these sites are safe?
We can’t. BUT we can guarantee that YOUR site is safe by the ability to delete links at any time! We also keep the user ratio to sites very low and do our best to vet users. We have put in an enormous amount of money and time into each site so it is to our advantage to make sure they remain passing link juice.
We also have running tests on them. If at any time, the tests show the ranked paged to be less then #1 on Google, we take the site out of the network.
Will I be able to add or change my links or keywords?
Absolutely! By using our LinkRatio Campaigns you can do this at any time from within your member dashboard.
Can I choose the sites my links are on?
Yes, you have the ability to choose the sites your links are on in the Manual Network when you post to them. But in the automated network, they go out randomly to our a portion of our network.
We DO disclose where the links are so at any time you can ask us to remove a link from a site that you don’t like.
Can I purchase more than one account?
Not at the moment. We want to make sure YOU and the sites you are linking to are SAFE before we allow you to purchase more accounts. I hope you understand. 🙂
Can you make sites on other platforms than WordPress?
Yes, we have HTML sites for our “Niche Edit” links, but our automation platform is currently set up only to post to WordPress BLOGS as that is the way we can guarantee you have homepage links until your article scrolls off.
How long will my article remain on the Homepage?
For “Featured Posts”, we guarantee they will stay on the homepage for 30 days or longer. In the automation network, they generally stay on for at least a couple weeks but we have noticed some articles stay on for months.
Do I have to provide my own content for posting?
Yes, but if you have a problem with that, please contact us and we can provide content for you at a nominal fee.
How many words do I have to put in my articles?
We like articles that are at least 500+ words with images and/or video embeds.
Can I embed images and videos?
Absolutely! We encourage it!
What happens to my links if I quit?
If your account is current when you quit, all of your links will stay on our sites for as long as our sites are up.
Do you guarantee page one rankings?
Absolutely NOT! We can make NO guarantees in SEO. Bumps in rankings is subjective to many variables, which include your money sites health, your market, the keywords you are trying to rank for, your general link density profile AND your site’s on page factors. But if you are having trouble getting on page one, and have done your on page and are at a loss, you can contact us and we will take a look at your page, your linking and anchor text and give you any guidance we can. We are here to help and we can only be successful if you are!
Do you require a long-term contract or is this month to month?
No long term contracts required! I don’t like signing them so don’t expect that you do either. This is month to month and remember, your links will stay on our sites as long as you want them to or as long as they are live.
How long does it take for my application to be approved.
We just need a day or two (maybe three) since we will be having an influx of applications at the same time.
It looks good but I am not ready to join, can I join later?
Probably not. This will sell out fast and I don’t know if I will offer it again, and if I do, when.
Can I upgrade from option 1 to option 2 at anytime?
Yep and that is exactly what I would do. Not that I am trying to talk you out of spending more money lol but that is what I would do, get the lower version, make sure it’s a good fit and then upgrade if it is and when your clients come back. Even if we aren’t open for new people, current users will be able to upgrade anytime.
Does the link network come on a floppy disk?
aaaaaa, it might have in 1985, but aaaaaa… no. lol
What are Niche Edits?
Niche Edits links are sites that we have that are HTML sites that we have built using the content from’s wayback machine. We somewhat seamlessly integrate links to you on the home page of those sites.
Let’s get you started. I look forward to helping you rank!
Dori Friend
p.s. So Who Am I? <—- my Wikipedia Page

I have been online since 1993 and marketing with my own websites since 2000. That is forever in Internet Marketing years. I know all the gurus and have been their SEO go-to girl for eons.
I also spoke at Yanik Silver’s prestigious Underground Marketers Seminar in 2007 (you can only speak once!) and I was saying even back then… you MUST be in control of your LINKS! The only good link is a link you control!
I won best speaker at Jeff Johnson’s Traffic Blue Print Workshop talking about this stuff. I used to charge $1,000 an hour for consulting when I did it. (I don’t anymore, so please don’t ask.)
I have spoken at countless events. The largest audience being 6,000 people! =:0 Here is the video for that.
Before that, I developed software for Apple Computer. So yes, I am a Geek! Not to brag or anything, lol, if you owned a MAC prior to 2000 then you have seen my work. Hell, ok, turn on any smart phone and check out ANY area that is transparent.
In fact, I was on the team at Apple that created the FIRST graphical digital interface for cameras (including phones)!
That was in 1996 and there is STILL a patent on it! And no, I don’t get any $$ for it! I was just a young hired gun at the time. But it really woke me up to the simple kinds of stuff you can get patents on!
I was even summoned to court to testify that I had created it when I did. HTC and other phone companies have to pay Apple licensing fees and they were trying to get out of it.
Below is my video I created showing all the work I did before I found the internet. It is a FAST video so you can’t blink. 😉
Hell, I still see my icons and interfaces show up from time to time on new stuff. And before all THAT, I won an “Employee of the Year” award at the City and County of San Francisco, from the then Mayor for INNOVATION!
I created some of the most powerful network building software on the planet with Jeff Johnson back in 2005. I am responsible for the over twenty thousand blogs in SEONitro, SEOLinkVine Elite, BackLinkBuddy and SEOLinkMonster.
I am lucky enough to hang out with some of the most well know marketers on the Internet and some of them I can call very good friends and have on speed dial. 🙂

I am even lucky enough to go to places and hang out with the rich and famous! (Can’t call any of these guys friends though lol but who cares I will be able to show these pics off until I am living in a nursing home and smiling with no teeth as I wheel myself back into bed at 3pm!) lol 😉
And just in case you don’t know, the line up is me and Whoopie Goldberg, Steven Tyler with me and my best friend Debbie, Smokey Robinson and Adam Lambert!

I then clawed my way into becoming a Maverick1000 member. (I can’t believe they accepted me!) And now get to hang out with a ton of very savoy, rich business owners! Even though we look a bit crazy below, the group has strict restrictions on applicants so I feel honored to be a part of them!
(Can you pick me out in the pic?)

I also host an incredibly successful SEO Conference every year (128 people in attendance) where there is NO pitching. It is just incredible content for our post Panda/Penguin world from some of the smartest underground SEO’s on the planet. (Again, all my friends whom I have on speed Skype!)

And not that it matters other then it was just plain fun, I had everyone at my house for the ending party.)

But what I’m trying to get through to you is that I live and breathe SEO and Networks. I’m the real deal. I’m not a newbie just trying to bull-whack you or someone who “just” started doing this SEO or Internet Marketing. If you know me, then you know I have beeeeeen around, and hopefully, we have had a beer or coffee together. If you don’t know me, then I can’t wait to meet you!
And, trying to be as humble as I can, (well, ok, the pics of the famous peeps was a little obnoxious, but I just had to! LOL) but I am probably the MOST knowledgeable person there is when it comes to building blog and link networks. I have been building them long before they became the business of the week and long before most of the “new” blog network guru’s put up their first site! Really; I have NOT met anyone who knows more about it then I do.
And now, I harnessed all that knowledge to create SEONitro 3.0 to give us a fighting chance against Google!
Thank You