We’ve got some great news for you!
Our team has been hard at work making the manual network even bigger. You now have access to over 100 manual sites to choose to put your links on! We’ve added some powerful sites so make sure you check it out. We will continue to add sites on a monthly basis.

To get to the manual posting the fast way, log in into your S.I.A. member’s area first then come back to this email and click the link below.
>> http://www.seointelligenceagency.com/members/clients/manualposting
This will take you straight to the Manual Posting area of your member’s area.
Credits will NOW rollover from month to month. This means you don’t have to hurry to use all your credits at the end of every month! As an SEO myself, I know sometimes it is a feast or famine with clients and your need for links. This way, you won’t have to worry about losing your linking credits. These credits will remain as long as you are a member. 🙂
Link Spinning is NOW available on our Niche Edit sites. These sites are typically ugly HTML sites that hide very well with Google’s manual review team. Link Spinning takes into consideration that Google has a “link echo” phenomenon which means that a link they have crawled generally lasts for 6 months! So if you change the anchor text on that link by using our Link Spinning Campaigns for your Niche Edit links you will get more “anchor text” bang for your buck!
Add Campaign and then give us this code for your Niche Edit Links
Below is an example of how I would create a Link Spinning Campaign to the homepage with all the brand options that I want Google to see.
This link will take you straight to our “Link Spinning Campaign” Page
>> http://www.seointelligenceagency.com/members/clients/linkspinning
We have purchased 57 more sites this month (that makes 541) for the Automation Network. As soon as they test positive for ranking, they will be put into the SEONitro Network so you have more high Trust Flow IPs to get links from. We will also continue to add sites every month!
MySite Deliveries. Access to your MySites, (the ones that only YOU have access too) have been emailed to you. We will also be installing them inside your member’s area soon so you can take advantage of our automated posting to them.
Text Streams. I will soon be changing this title to “Set It & Forget It” as that is really what it was created for. The “text stream” is what we call a set of articles to be posted. You can enter one really well spun article or hundreds of already spun articles. I typically go for 10-20 really well spun articles. It is important to use the proper SHORT CODES that denote the TITLE of the article and then the BREAK at the end of the article so our program knows how to place them.
#TITLE# Your spun Title goes here #/TITLE# Your spun body with HTML goes here followed by the BREAK short code. #BREAK# #TITLE# Your spun Title goes here #/TITLE# Your spun body with HTML goes here followed by the BREAK short code. #BREAK#
NOTE: This feature will take into consideration the other types of posting you have done and will stop when your credits have run out for the month, and then will return posting when linking credits are replenished.
MySite and Niche Edit Topics. As we make every effort to match your niche topic with the MySites we build for you or the sites we put your Niche Edit links on, some of the niche topics that have been sent in are incredibly narrow. My staff have been instructed to do their best to match the topic that Majestic tells us what your site is about.
For example, you may have a site all about photography as seen below. Which I would think falls in the Arts category, but we normally follow the same types of topics already coming into your site as seen below as Computers, Society, & Business.
Take advantage of the SIA! Remember, you have access to all the SIA material, webinars, and community groups. Please come to our monthly webinar (they are the last Thursday of every month and there is one tomorrow at 11am pacific) where we go over tests that have been completed. Also, if you are shy about asking ANY type of SEO question in the community channels, please don’t be. It is refreshing to hear from new people and questions help EVERYONE!!
We have more exciting changes we’ll share with you soon. Have a productive week ahead!
Dori 🙂